Come, Grow, Live & Share Christ!
Worship Times
Sunday Service - 9:00am
Bible Study - 10:10am
(Services & Study will be streamed)
Online Worship can be found here.
Who We Are
We are a family-oriented church proclaiming Jesus Christ to our Door County, Wisconsin community and the world. We invite you to browse our site and see how you can grow closer to God with us.
Come visit us, send us an e-mail, or give us a call. We are here to serve you with the wonderful news of Jesus who will strengthen and fill your life with hope and joy.
Worship Opportunities
At St. John we believe that the worship of our Savior God—Father, Son & Holy Spirit—is essential to our lives. That’s why we make every effort to provide opportunities to worship whatever your needs or circumstances.
Worship is on Sundays at 9:00am. Monday night worship at 6:30pm will continue until October 18. Please click the button below to learn more about in-person worship and online worship.
What We Believe
We believe that God’s love, forgiveness and promises are for all people. To make sure we hold to this truth for ourselves and properly share it with others, we strive to let God be God and let him speak for himself in his holy Word.
Youth Ministry
Children are a precious gift from the Lord. As such, children are a valued part of our congregation. We provide multiple avenues to instruct children in God’s Word and equip parents to do the same.
Feel free to contact us with any questions.
(920) 743-5343