Saving Patience

2 Peter 3:8,9—But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. 

This time of year tends to wear down our patience. More waiting in lines at the stores. Children asking again and again, “How long until Christmas?” And then you throw into the mix all that is 2020! Patience is wearing thin for those who don’t think as you do…for honesty to have its day…to be done with this virus…or simply for Jesus to keep his promise and come back already!

How important it is for us at all times, but especially in these trying times to save our patience. Not to save it for those who we feel are more deserving of it, but simply to save it so that we don’t lose it! What a struggle it is to be patient these days with people! But, if you look carefully enough, you find that what’s behind all your impatience with people is really an impatience with God.

Anytime we are dissatisfied with the situation of our lives in general, or things in particular, we are revealing the weakness each one of us still has to trust God in all things and circumstances. It also reveals our weakness to trust that God is in control and using all things for our good and the good of others. 

You’ve probably heard me say it before, but I’m going to say it again because I need to hear this nearly on a daily basis. A wise pastor once wrote: “Have you ever considered the pain you suffer is the price God is willing to pay to save someone else?” 

It’s so easy for us to look at this virus, the tragedy it has brought to many in the loss of life, the shutdowns, governmental control, economic destruction, livelihoods lost, growth of depression, abounding abuse of all sorts, etc., etc., etc. only with pessimistic eyes. While this may be judgment on some people, remember the greater purpose God has any time he allows pain and suffering. It is a call to repentance, for believer and unbeliever alike. It is a call to draw those who do not know him, to finally break and see that they need God and turn to him. It is a call for us who already know him to draw ever closer to him as our all in all.

You see, friends, God’s patience is a Saving Patience, both for you and for others. He hasn’t brought all these troubles to a swift end yet because we still have room to grow in our trust and reliance on God. God’s patience is providing more time for those who do not know him or trust in him to face their mortality and finally wake up from their spiritual slumber. 

So, as we look at all this from God’s perspective of what matters most—eternity—we can be patient for God to carry out his plan to deliver us. Remembering that God’s patience is a Saving Patience, we too can save our patience as we put our trust and confidence in our God who has already delivered us from sin and death and will one day deliver us into life everlasting. And with this patience, we will be equipped to live in patience with those around us.


Don’t Let Go of Christmas


Let Go of Anger