Never Alone

Matthew 28:20b—And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

There is so much in our lives that can leave us feeling alone. A breakup of boyfriend & girlfriend. A marriage destroyed by divorce. The loss of a friendship. Moving to a new town with new people. Family strife that leads to division. Dreadful depression. And worst of all, the loss of a spouse to death. I think of the loss of Don Bittorf this week, and the loneliness this brings to the family, and especially his bride, Lois, with whom he shared over 60 years of marriage! And then we throw COVID on top of all this!

When we suffer loss and loneliness, it is critical that we turn to Him who is with us always, even to the very end of the world and time! Jesus has promised to be with you no matter what the circumstances of your life. Whatever pain and sorrow you are suffering, Jesus knows. He knows, not only because he is God Almighty and knows all things. But he also knows because he too experienced that same loneliness himself. In fact, he suffered the greatest loneliness there ever was so that you would never be alone! 

As Jesus suffered on the cross, he was completely separated from his heavenly Father. God the Son, was separated from the pure and perfect relationship that exists within the Trinity. God the Father had forsaken his Son, his only Son. Jesus was truly and entirely alone as he suffered on the cross. Not the presence of his dear friend, John, not even that of his mother could quell his loneliness. Jesus was all alone with only the eternal punishment for sin as his companion. Jesus’ own words from the cross make this clear: My God, my God! Why have you forsaken me? 

But that loneliness was broken once his suffering for the sins of the world was complete. Jesus in victory gave up his spirit, and rose again victorious. This is why Jesus can promise you: And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. Because of Jesus, his love, his power, his promises, his grace…you can never be alone.

In 2018, the theme of our WELS International Youth Rally was the theme of this devotion: Never Alone. It was based on the same words of Jesus from Matthew 28:20. For that rally, the WELS band Koine’ wrote a new song titled Never Alone. It’s a beautiful song on this very promise. I’ve included the lyrics below. If you’re able, I also encourage you to watch the music video on YouTube which I’ve linked below. The artist used a lightbox with sand on it as his medium. Notice that he pictures one of the most beautiful illustrations from Scripture which God uses to describe his relationship with his people—the Bride and her Groom.

“Never Alone” Lyrics – Tracy Fedke (2018)

Sitting all by myself in the darkness, all I see are the dark clouds rising, seems there’s no one around who hears me, who understands, understands…

But then I hear you say, “My name is Jesus, I’ll help to see you through. My name is Jesus, and I have promised, you will never, no never be alone. I’ll be with you ‘til I carry you home; in the darkness, in the sunlight, no matter where you go.”

Thinking all on my own I can fix things, all I see are my troubles rising, seems there’s no one around to save me, there’s no one there, no one there…

But then I hear you say, “My name is Jesus, my grace I’ve given you. My name is Jesus, I’ve fixed it all for you. You will never, no never be alone. I’ll be with you ‘til I carry you home; in the darkness, in the sunlight, no matter where you go.”

When my faith is dim, when I feel like I’m falling, open up my eyes to trust in you. Even when you’re blinded, and cannot see the road before you, you can see it, you can see it, I will lead you home.

Give me strength to look to you for wisdom, for it’s there in your words I’ll find you. Seems there’s no one around who can help me, but you alone, you alone. And in your words you say,

“My name is Jesus, look to my name alone. My name is Jesus, my words will strengthen your steps home. You will never, no never be alone. I’ll be with you ‘til I carry you home; in the darkness, in the sunlight, no matter where you go.

“You will never, no never be alone. I’ll be with you ‘til I carry you home; in the darkness, in the sunlight, no matter where you go.”

Never alone. Never alone. Never alone.


True Freedom


Tenting for a Time