True Freedom

John 8:31,32— If you continue in my Word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.

These words are some of the most used and abused words in all of Scripture. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard “the truth will make you free” in television shows, movies, and by politicians. At worst, Jesus’ words are used to promote lies, and at best, only the truth of the human mind (as true as that can be). 

These words are used and abused to promote agendas and to promote the fallen human version of freedom. In our culture today the word “freedom” has come to mean that you can think, say and do whatever you want. Truth is what you make it to be for yourself. It doesn’t matter if some think what you believe are lies and what they believe to be the truth because there is no absolute truth. Our culture says everything goes so long as you don’t tell someone else they are wrong for believing what they do. Why? Again, because our culture thinks there is no absolute truth.

But this thinking makes us slaves—slaves to sin. The only thing that brings True Freedom is the only real and reliable truth found in God’s Word. As Jesus says: If you continue in my Word… It is only in Jesus’ Word that we hear about our natural slavery to sin and that Jesus is the only one who rescues us from our slavery to sin.

Because Jesus has broken your chains of slavery to sin, it also means that he has changed your status before God. You are no longer a condemned slave but full sons and daughters of God. That means you also have all the privileges and freedom that comes with that new status. But it’s not the privilege or freedom to do as you please. That’s the world’s version of freedom. That’s the devil’s lie. Our freedom as recipients of God’s truth is all about freedom from sin. 

First, we’re given the freedom to confess our sin. And not to do it in fear, but in eager joy of hearing that we are forgiven. Our status before God as his sons and daughters assures us that we will hear words that set us free from that burden of slavery through forgiveness: “God, our heavenly Father, has been merciful to us…”

The second truth of our freedom from sin is that we are free to not sin. We are free to obey God, not as a slave who must and for fear of punishment, but as sons and daughters who love their heavenly Father who first loved them and has set them free.

So, the next time you hear someone use Jesus’ words to promote their version of truth, remember that there is only one truth which brings True Freedom—the truth of Jesus’ Word. Continue in his Word, even as the world tries to draw you away from Jesus and his truth through their enticements and threats. Hold on to Jesus’ truth, knowing it gives you True Freedom now and the promise of never-ending peace and joy in heaven.


Hope in the LORD


Never Alone